Hi there, I'm Jeremiah Wright

Before we get into the nitty gritty. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.

  • My favorite show is "The Flash".
  • I throughly enjoy watched animated shows (mostly related to superheroes).
  • I started watching Star Wars when I was 19 (because I was ridiculed in class for not seeing any of the films).
  • I enjoy most sports, but Basketball is my favorite of them all.

Now that you know some things about me, we can talk technology. My journey began with the Motorola Droid 2. Unable to upgrade my phone and Android not allowing my device to update to the new Android OS, lead me to the world of ROMS. I spent hours learning and caused me to develop a love of Android. This new found love was the reason I decided to study Computer Science for my Bachelors degree.

After my first semester in University I learned that computer science reached more fields than mobile development. Although mobile development is my "first love" I find most things relating to computers exciting.

My current skillset.

I choose to highlight these attributes because I think they are crucial to growth in computer science. Learning to code is so accessible that anyone can do it. I decided not to list programming languages because any programming language can be learned if you are interested. In my opinion, most concepts transfer throughout languages seamlessly.

Why creative?

Tutorials hardly ever give you the exact answer. After you receive information, you can use that knowledge to apply it to your use case.

Why teachable?

Technology moves fast, and it is always changing. Listening and learning from people that have more experience than you can pay huge dividends to your career growth.

Why a team player?

Most projects require a team. When teams can work together, I believe it creates better applications.

Why problem solver?

Most of our job is to solve problems. It can be solving a problem while maintaining an application or translating a physical business operation into a digital one. I love solving problems and finding the most efficient way to handle it.

To sum it all up, these are the skills I would bring to your project.